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The Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission (ISWCC)

The Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission is the designated state agency responsible for offering "such assistance as may be appropriate to the supervisors of the soil and water conservation districts in the carrying out of their powers and programs." In addition, they provide incentive programs and technical assistance to local farmers and ranchers to promote and support conservation.


Resource Conservation and Rangeland Development Loan Program (RCRDP) 

The ISWCC offers landowners low interest loans to install conservation measures on private property.  Eligible projects address soil and water issues, like improving riparian areas or enhancing fish and wildlife habitat. A partial list of eligible projects include:

  • Irrigation equipment
  • No-Till Drills
  • Animal feeding operation improvements
  • Livestock fencing
  • Streambank protection
Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) 

The Conservation Commission leads state efforts on CREP, a federal program which offers financial incentives to landowners to reduce ground water consumption in the Snake River Plain Aquiferby taking marginal farm ground out of production.

Water Quality 

The Conservation Commission provides a variety of voluntary programs to impro​​ve Idaho's water quality including preparing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plans, overseeing district's Antidegradation Plans (Five Year Plans). and Ground Water Quality Programs.  All of these are designated to improve water quality in surface and ground water that has been impacted by agricultural runoff.


Idaho Soil & Water Conservation Commission can be reached in person at 7830 Meadowlark Way Suite C-1, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 or you can reach out to: