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What We Do

The District provides information, encouragement, and available assistance in the planning and application of conservation practices, the development of wildlife habitat, environmental improvement, recreation enterprises, and resource conservation and development project measures.

​We provide landowners with technical and financial assistance. We can show you best management practices for your land. We also partner with local government agencies to assist landowners.

​Our primary entities are to provide assistance to landowners and land users to implement conservation practices

​Our work promotes: 

  • Effective erosion control and clean water
  • Forestry jobs, from logging to consulting
  • Efficient use of fuel and water on farms
  • Wildlife habitat, healthy fisheries and outdoor recreation
  • Structures to reduce runoff and erosion
  • Tree plantings for reforestation, grasses for habitat

Public Outreach

We also participate in: 

  • An annual Growers Meeting which is a joint education effort with the Aquifer Protection District.  This program is for land managers, highlighting the latest agriculture and forest practices, forest management after wildfires (reforestation, insect and disease infestations, etc.) aquifer protection, etc. 
  • We have a Seedling Program which is a source of conifer seedlings for landowners and other agency projects in April of each year.
  • We participate in the North Idaho Fair with exhibits of KSSWCD projects from the past, present and what we are doing in the future.
The District's 5 Year PlanPerformance Report